by Joel McDurmon on Dec 4, 2012
The ?60 Plus Association? blasts the AARP for secretly, but consciously, selling out its members on ObamaCare:
For many years, the AARP was a trusted voice of seniors across America.? We believed, and rightly so, they were operating in our best interest, representing the issues and concerns of elderly Americans in Washington and across the 50 states.? But sadly, those days are long in the past, distant memories as faded as scrapbook photos locked in an attic.
Today, the AARP is nothing more than an insurance conglomerate and lobbying behemoth, with annual revenues in excess of $400 million.? Given the tremendous amount of revenue AARP generates selling health insurance, representing seniors has taken a back seat to having a seat at the table with Washington?s deal-makers.?. . . The proof we offer for that assertion are the recently discovered emails where AARP members spoke out strongly against the so-called Affordable Care Act.
While AARP continues to maintain the charade they are a neutral party in the healthcare debate, they were instrumental partners with the White House and Democratic National Committee (DNC) in working behind the scenes to pass the Obamacare legislation that America?s seniors overwhelmingly oppose.? When AARP switchboards lit-up with their members calling in to?oppose?Obamacare by a score of 14 to 1, did they care? Fat chance.
According to emails unearthed by Chairman Fred Upton?s (R-MI) Energy and Commerce Committee, AARP executives said they needed to ?change the messaging.?? To AARP, the problem wasn?t the bill itself, it was the marketing.? They further refused the Administration?s invitation to advocate publicly for Obamacare, stating in secret memos, ?polling shows we are more influential when we are seen as independent.?? So AARP hides behind its good name while pushing for a healthcare overhaul that will reap it billions.? How shameful.
With AARP standing to gain over $1 billion in additional revenues over 10 years with the passage of Obamacare, they put their insurance business and the almighty dollar first, and seniors were merely props for the stage show.? The over $700 billion Obamacare cuts from Medicare is going to cause seniors to have to reach deeper into their wallets to make up the difference, and the AARP is only too happy to be the recipient of this windfall. . . . [READ THE REST!]
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